Centre of Papermaking and Printing at Lodz University of Technology invites everyone to participate in XV Scientific Conference INPAP 2023 which will be held in the Uniejów, a historic spa town known for its geothermal waters and hot healing brines.We are looking forward to welcoming you among our participants.Sponsors 
Organiser Centre of Papermaking and Printing Lodz University of Technology Wólczańska 221 93-005 Łódź tel: +48 42 631 38 03 +48 42 631 38 02 (financial matters) fax: +48 42 631 38 01 email i strona www: inpap.biuro@info.p.lodz.pl agnieszka.wysocka-robak@p.lodz.pl www.inpap.p.lodz.pl/inpap2023 Conference Venue ApartHotel Termy Uniejów ul. Termalna 1, 99-210 Uniejów +48 721 001 001, +48 505 784 996 e-mail: hotel@aparthotel-termyuniejow.pl rezerwacje@aparthotel-termyuniejow.pl Official Languages English and Polish
Papers Submission Scientific papers: In order to give the authors an opportunity to publish their findings in high-impact factor journals, all scientific papers are to be submitted as extended abstracts only, which will be included in the Conference Proceedings. Persons interested in presenting a paper or a poster should fill in the Registration Form and send it to the Conference Office, giving paper or poster title, authors’ names, and extended abstracts. The abstract should be prepared in Polish or English, according to the instruction given at http://www.inpap.p.lodz.pl, and sent to the Conference Office via email. Abstracts should be sent by May 15th, 2023. The presentation time is 15-20 minutes. All scientific papers will be reviewed. http://www.inpap.p.lodz.pl Participation in The Conference Persons interested in participating in the Conference are requested to fill in the Registration Form and send it to the address of Conference Office by May, 31st, 2023. Proper Conference fee should be realized to Organizers’ account. The form is available at the Conference website. The basic fee for participation in the conference is: Regular participant: 1800 PLN Scientific presentation – Speaker: 1200 PLN Commercial presentations: Additional fee for a commercial presentation: 1000 PLN + VAT. The time allotted for commercial presentation is 25 minutes. Note: It is not possible to pay fees during the conference The fee does not include accommodation. Participants must book accommodation on their own at the Conference venue (discount on password “INPAP”). The fee entitles you to: participation in all sessions, touring shows, a set of materials conference, lunch and participation in social events. NOTE: The pro-forma invoice can be issued. Once the payment has been made, the final invoice will be issued.