The Centre of Papermaking and Printing at Lodz University of Technology (before October 2019, the Institute of Papermaking and Printing) is the only independent university research and teaching unit in Poland dealing with research in the broadly understood technology of cellulose, paper, packaging and printing. The Center is also focused on the research on cellulose based fibrous composites, the life cycle of paper materials and their recycling, as well as technical solutions and control of paper, paper converting and printing machines.
We work closely with industry and other economic entities. We provide research and expert services for them. The Paper and Printing Center has a number of specialized laboratories and research equipment, also on a semi-technical scale. This allows for high-quality research and teaching activities.
The Center offers the field of study “Papermaking and Printing”. The interdisciplinary nature of the classes allows us to gain extensive and specialized knowledge and skills, thanks to which our graduates can easily find attractive employment. The didactic methods used make it possible to carry out research projects, from an idea, through laboratory tests, designing devices, testing a prototype, to implementing a ready solution – even on an industrial scale. Conducting this type of work is facilitated by the Center’s equipment base.
The Centre’s research and teaching activities are carried out in four Teams:
• Technology of Fibrous Cellulosic Pulps,
• Paper Technology and Paper Converting,
• Paper and Packaging Machines,
• Printing Technology and Printing Machines.
The staff of the Center includes 18 academic teachers with 6 independent employees – professors and habilitated doctors.
Over the past 70 years, approximately 2000 people, including approximately 40 foreigners, have graduated from the Lodz University of Technology in the field of paper and printing. The average number of the graduates in the last 3 years was 50.
Our students are supported throughout their studies by the staff of the Center and industry. This assistance includes such forms as: sponsoring specialization trips, apprenticeships, internships, extracurricular English language courses, purchase of computers and research stands. For its part, the Center promotes the plants by organizing seminars and exhibitions, presenting the activities of companies, their achievements and plans. These initiatives contribute to tightening cooperation in the field of didactics, and in particular to ensuring an adequate level of education for students.
The Center for Papermaking and Printing is constantly developing contacts and cooperation with foreign institutions (universities, associations and enterprises), which significantly contributes to the modernization of the teaching process and research development, and gives our students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and gain practice also abroad.
Centre of Papermaking and Printing
Wolczanska 221,
93-005 Lodz,
tel. 48 42 631 38 03, 48 42 636 88 22
fax. 48 42 631 38 01